Shawn Menard says Bank Street O-Train “would improve the congestion that can occur, emissions, and local economic development.”
March 2020 Councillor Menard wrote about Capital Ward and the core and said “Bank Street is the main street through these communities, and without a vibrant, livable, functional main street, these communities suffer. Further, the current transportation situation hurts neighbourhood businesses, as fewer customers will visit their stores than otherwise would, and employees suffer challenges attempting to make it to work on time.”
On November 26 2020 Councillor Shawn Menard from Capital Ward was asked about his thoughts on the Bank Street O-Train Tunnel concept. He responded with “we need an alternative form of efficient transportation along Bank Street in the core. It (the Bank Street O-Train Tunnel) would improve the congestion that can occur, emissions, and local economic development.”
The Bank Street Transportation Forum organized by Councillor Menard was held the evening of December 18, 2020, at the Old Ottawa South Community Centre. Representatives from Bike Ottawa, Ottawa Transit Riders, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, OC Transpo, the Glebe BIA and the City of Ottawa Transportation Services Department attended and participated in the forum chaired by Councillor Menard.
On April 10 2022 when Councillor Menard was questioned online by residents if enough density exists or will exists in the Glebe neighbourhood portion of Bank Street for an O-Train subway. Menard responded with “the plan allows for 4, 6, 9 (Storey) high rises depending on each lot context. And the plan was a staff recommended one unanimously voted on by council. The plan allows for significant new density”
River Ward Councillor Riley Brockington points that he and Shawn Menard helped get the city to review Bank Street transit, “we (city council) asked staff to review Bank Street options, we can’t get people to and from Lansdowne efficiently, maybe running an LRT down Bank Street is part of a solution, people don’t want to be tied up in traffic.”
Stats Canada has revealed Ottawa Gatineau population is now almost 1.5 million people and expected to surpass 1.6 million people by 2027. The rapidly growing population is going to be an issue the core of Ottawa will need to deal with. Other issues Menard is going to have to deal with around Bank Street O-Train is the Ottawa Senators hockey team moving into the core. It’s going to create additional pressure for Bank Street answers. Lastly the large towers being constructed throughout the Bank Street communities is going to be an ongoing congestion issue for Bank Street O-Train discussions.