“Out of the urban core, people do not think much of the Glebe” Ward 13 Candidate Peter Karwacki
Ward 13 Rideau Rockcliffe Candidate Peter Karwacki says “there is no place to park in the core, the whole city is under construction.” When asked for his thoughts on the Ottawa Bank Street O-Train Subway concept from Billings Bridge Shopping Centre to Parliament Station he says “it’s destined to fail, 2/3 of Ottawa City Council will vote it down.”
When ask why he believes it will fail he responds with “the failures have been so profound with the O-Train network, people don’t trust it. Out of the urban core, people do not think much of the glebe, or a rail line to serve them.”
Candidate Karwacki believes self driving cars are the future:
“Ottawa has the possibility of becoming a center of excellence in self driving technology but decision makers need to be given the opportunity to make that happen.”
When asked about the gridlock in the core and Ottawa Gatineau’s current population being 1,488,000 which will surpass 1.6 million by 2027 Candidate Karwacki responded with:
“The city is growing but there won’t be a need for O-Train in the core. The city wants people in the core, but people will look elsewhere and do there own thing. I am thinking even this LRT concept needs work.”
Rideau Rockcliffe Candidate Peter Karwacki says he “sympathetic to having an active transportation system with LRT” just not in the core, he views it as suburb issue. It’s clear the Bank Street O-Train won’t receive the support from Candidate Karwacki.
In regards to the Bank Street concept candidate Ariel Troster for Somerset Ward says “without any sense of costing or the lack of a concrete proposal, I really can’t comment on this except to say that I agree that we need better north-south transit in our city.”