Candidates Bromwich & Russell Respond to Karwacki about Bank Street O-Train
Recent negative comments from Ward 13 Rideau Rockcliffe Candidate Peter Karwacki about the Ottawa Bank Street O-Train Subway concept running from Billings Bridge to Parliament Station has drawn the ire of people living in the urban core of Ottawa. Capital Ward 17 candidate Rebecca Bromwich and Ward 14 Somerset candidate Brandon Russell have publicly responded.
Peter Karwacki comments were “out of the urban core, people do not think much of the Glebe, or a rail line to serve them” and “it’s destined to fail, 2/3 of Ottawa City Council will vote it down.”
Capital Ward 17 candidate Rebecca Bromwich responded to Karwacki with “I don’t think this is inevitable. If we have a Council that works together better, we can achieve much more.”
In a previous interview candidate Bromwich stated “Lansdowne 2.0 is amplifying Bank Street O-Train discussions” and believes a “robust transit system would benefit Capital Ward.” Candidate Bromwich says “we need a real plan to deal with the growing densification and traffic congestion in Capital Ward and O-Train can be part of the solution.”
In a previous interview fellow candidate in Capital Ward Daniel Rogers stated the Bank Street O-Train “tunnel is the way to make it work plus it ensures we have minimal issues for riders in the rain and snow” and “traffic congestion is really becoming a serious issue. People are looking for Bank Street O-Train and it’s a great idea.”
Current Councillor for Capital Ward Shawn Menard stated in a previous interview “we need an alternative form of efficient transportation along Bank Street in the core. It (the Bank Street O-Train Tunnel) would improve the congestion that can occur, emissions, and local economic development.”
Ward 14 Somerset candidate Brandon Russell who is an avid supporter of the Bank Street O-Train concept responded “I’m disappointed in Peter’s comments, about urban-suburban focus. Urban Ottawa is in dire need of fresh ideas. As for his election predictions on how council will vote, if there is a magic 8 ball that can project election results I am unaware of, then Peter would be a great asset to this city and the entire scientific community. However, the Ottawa I know and love needs ideas; not magic.”
Candidate Russell also responded to his competitor Ariel Troster who is also running in Somerset Ward 14, “as for Ariel’s hesitancy when it comes to improving our urban transit needs, it is concerning to me as we need clear and concise action that will yield real results.”
In a previous interview Russell stated “my policy is that I’m a huge supporter of Bank Street O-Train, we need to start discussions right away on this file.”
Meanwhile Councillor Riley Brockington from River Ward 16 has stated “what we have now is completely dysfunctional, it’s a traffic disaster, Bank Street is gridlocked, public transit in large quantities can’t get to Lansdowne” and “we (city council) asked staff to review Bank Street options, we can’t get people to and from Lansdowne efficiently, maybe running an LRT down Bank Street is part of a solution, people don’t want to be tied up in traffic.”
For additional stories on Bank Street O-Train see links below: