Photograph used by permission from City of Ottawa/OC Transpo

“Bank Street O-Train Study Should Be Done” - Candidate Fitzgerald

Clinton Desveaux
3 min readJul 20, 2022


Kitchissippi Ward 15 candidate Oonagh Fitzgerald says the “O-Train Trillium Line 2 is inappropriate if its going to continue to run on diesel, it’s a problem, it should be moved to electric. It’s an interesting challenge for the city as we attempt to make a green transition.” Candidate Fitzgerald asks “how do we move people around? A Bank Street O-Train study should be done. It’s an important issue. We need to ensure local businesses on Bank can prosper. There is a huge traffic issue in the city core on Bank and we need to find a solution in order to help deal with the climate emergency.”

Kitchissippi Ward 15 candidate Oonagh Fitzgerald

“Bank Street O-Train is an important part of the discussion, How do we connect the suburbs to the centre? It’s critical to the health of the suburbs and the downtown. Bank Street is a traffic nightmare. The lack of a proper system means our suburb developments will continue to be a 2 car family model. We are seeing densification in the city. We need to work together, and figure out how do we connect the suburbs to the centre. I would like to see a comparison of underground vs tramway” says Fitzgerald.

Candidate Fitzgerald says “more transparency is needed in city council. We need more follow through for developments in order to enhance the livability of our city so we don’t make the same sorts of mistakes that happened with Confederation Line 1. What is the plan? We need to keep our eye on the ball.”

The Kitchissippi Ward 15 candidate says “we need more tree coverage, and more recreational facilities and parks and green spaces and parkways. I want to be involved in shaping these issues. Excess concrete leads to overheating so the tree coverage issue is incredibly important. We can create cooling spaces and biodiversity that will be important for the city. Roof spaces should be green. Roofs are a great way to deal with the heating and cooling of the city. We need climate action”

“Affordable housing is one of my most important issues. We need affordable housing mixed into diverse communities. We need better integration and a healthy community of mixed use developments where local businesses and people can live and work and play in 15 minute communities. Where you don’t need to own a car, it has to be walkable and accessible for mobile impaired. People will take notice where they are, they will buy local, you end up with interesting neighborhoods” says Fitzgerald.

Community Action Card

“Food security is a big issue with inflation. We need a city that is going to enhance the capacities for the food bank. We need to see what can be done to manage pricing to make things easier for the foodbank. We are seeing a change in the people that is reflective in a change of attitude for things like community gardens. If you can get community gardens going, we can grow and make and buy our local foods. There should be more spaces for popup fruits & vegetable stalls throughout the city” says Kitchissippi Ward 15 Fitzgerald.



Clinton Desveaux

Left Handed Guitar, Photographer and Talk Jock - also known to ski wherever a hill or mountain can be found