Bank Street O-Train “needs to be a tunnel” Capital Ward Candidate Daniel Rogers
Daniel Rogers former Chief of Staff Chief to Canada’s Minister of Transportation has thrown his hat in the political ring. Challenging Capital Ward incumbent Shawn Menard and fellow candidate Rebecca Bromwich. He lives in the Glebe and owns a business on Bank Street.
“If we had built Bank Street O-Train 10 years ago like residents in the core wanted, it would have cost half of what it is now. Bank Street is recognized as the main street in Ottawa that runs North South. It’s a great mix of businesses, communities, events, and Lansdowne.”
I ask Candidate Rogers if he believes like Councillor Brockington does that Bank Street is “dysfunctional” with congestion.
“I think it’s a really good idea and I’m in agreement with Councillor Riley Brockington of River Ward on this issue; if he believes like I do that it needs to be a tunnel. I live in the Glebe and watch the traffic and it’s a mess. If Riley wants it underground we are on the same page. The difficulty with above ground rail is safety. All the way downtown with crossings all over Bank Street and pedestrians and cyclists everywhere. The tunnel is the way to make it work plus it ensures we have minimal issues for riders in the rain and snow.”
Are you surprised how residents in the core of Ottawa and the suburbs have rallied around the concept of the Bank Street O-Train Subway from Billings Bridge to Parliament Station?
“I’m not shocked at all, it’s a fantastic idea. I’ve talked to Jim Watson about it over the years. It’s an important issue for our city that we need to move on iy very quickly. Is it at the top of the list? Absolutely it is! It would be fair to say the more people we have on trains the more we are doing good for the environment & climate and helping revive our economy in the core.”
I ask him about the statements incumbent Shawn Menard has made stating (“we need an alternative form of efficient transportation along Bank Street in the core. It (the Bank Street O-Train Tunnel) would improve the congestion that can occur, emissions, and local economic development”) which candidate Rogers says he in agreement with Menard on this issue.
I also ask him about the statements by Rebecca Bromwich in which she said (“Lansdowne 2.0 is amplifying Bank Street O-Train discussions” and believes a “robust transit system would benefit Capital Ward.” Candidate Bromwich says “we need a real plan to deal with the growing densification and traffic congestion in Capital Ward and O-Train can be part of the solution.”) and again Candidate Rogers tells me he agrees with Rebecca on the issue.
What about the costs for a project like this?
“Infrastructure projects are always expensive and it only becomes more expensive the longer you wait which is why we need to start planning now because a Bank Street O-Train Subway is how we move large numbers of people efficiently to the downtown core, we are going to break 1.6 million people in 5 years between Ottawa and Gatineau, we are a big city now. There is a Canadian romanticism towards rail because in reality it’s a green and cost effective way to move people and freight.”
“Traffic congestion is really becoming a serious issue. People are looking for Bank Street O-Train and it’s a great idea. The feds would be involved there is no doubt about it. The 3 levels of government and perhaps even the National Capital Commission. I would think if enough work was done with right studies and reports with a feasibility plan the province would want to listen and participate as well. Canada announced plans for the government of Canada to spend an additional $14.9 billion over the next eight years on public transportation projects across the country. The Prime Minister’s long term plan is the creation of a permanent transit fund of $3 billion per year starting in 2026.”
What happens after the Bank Street O-Train Subway is done?
“The Parliament to Billings Bridge Tunnel would be a good start however at some point for phase 2 we need figure out how to get it to the airport from Billings Bridge so that might be an above ground surface line for Phase 2. If there is already a corridor that is identified that needs public rail transit it would be Bank Street and everyone knows in the city.”
It’s very clear in Capital Ward there is overwhelming support for Bank Street O-Train Subway as far as the 3 candidates running in the upcoming city elections are concerned. For more stories on Bank Street O-Train see links below: